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More Ways to Give

Support FHFG's mission without having to contribute any money!

Did you know that there are a number of ways that you can support the mission of FHFG without spending a penny? Have a birthday or other event that people want to celebrate, but you don’t need gifts? Set up a Facebook fundraiser. Have lots of recyclables? Put them in an FHFG blue recycle bag and drop them off at your local BottleDrop. No need to go inside anymore! 

Oregon BottleDrop Program

Are you tired of going into the BottleDrop location, smelling that smell, waiting in line, then having to touch all of those disgusting sticky cans and bottles? If so, pick up an FHFG BottleDrop bag, put your cans/bottles in it and then without going inside the BottleDrop building, scan the bag drop it down the chute, and you’re on your way. That’s EASY!

You can take your refundable cans and bottles to the Oregon BottleDrop location (across Pacific Avenue from the Safeway parking lot) in a blue bag with the FHFG label to benefit FHFG.

You don’t even have to go inside. There is a depository on the outside of the building in front of the handicapped parking spaces. Simply scan the label to unlock the depository, open the door and place your full bags inside. Bags are available at the FHFG Museum & Library and at events, or contact us and request them! 

Planned Giving

Please remember Friends of Historic Forest Grove in your estate or trust planning. Your planned gift could provide a significant impact to the mission of FHFG as well as leave your legacy on preserving treasured area historic resources. Please contact us for more information about how to include FHFG in your estate or trust.

Benevity Corporate Giving

If you work for one of the area’s larger employers like Nike or Intel, you can set up automatic payroll withdrawals that will directly benefit FHFG. In some cases, the company will even 100% match or partially match your giving as a way for them to support the local community. Benevity is a leading provider that handles this type of corporate giving. Ask your company if they donate through Benevity. If they do, be sure to specify FHFG as your charitable organization of choice.

Facebook Charity Fundraisers

Tired of those tacky gifts that people give when it’s your birthday or other celebration? If you are a Facebook user, then hold a birthday or celebration fundraiser and ask people to donate to your favorite charity: Friends of Historic Forest Grove!

It isn’t hard to set up. To create a fundraiser for Friends of Historic Forest Grove follow these steps:

  1. Click “Fundraisers” in the left menu of your News Feed.
  2. Click Raise Money.
  3. Select a Nonprofit/Charity: Friends of Historic Forest Grove.
  4. Choose a cover photo and fill in the fundraiser details.
  5. Click Create.
FHFG is committed to preserving local historic resources, educating our residents about our past, and creating a community for enthusiasts to support this mission.
Join a community of people who care about Forest Grove's history! Memberships to FHFG include invitations to members-only events, discounts, a subscription to our newsletter, and more.

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Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 123, Forest Grove, OR 97116
More Contact Information

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